Welcome to cranzone.com. This site is a front-end to various other websites, plus links to some interesting and some uninterestng stuff like webcams, ftp, music etc etc. This page itself is not updated very often, although you may find the other sites changing frequently.
The Original CranstoneStanleyHarris Christmas Greeting (c. Dec.2000)
Just When You Thought It Was Safe; Along comes CSH with his new made-in-Sweden teeth and a threatening behaviour. Just Sunday afternoon doodling
Link to the website for the hangi held every Easter Saturday at Freddy Street
Freddystreet.net, named after Alfred-Schindler Str., where I live...
The Innercore's own website
Sick or what!
Webcams at Freddy Street, Emmen.Are not always online
My Beer Fridge Temperature. Due to it's importance, it is always online
Today: Kiwi Lager
Music I'm listening to right now
Today : Afrika Rising